Wildscreen ARK

There has never been a greater need for young people to feel connected to nature. Wildscreen ARK is an online nature education hub for young people, built to inspire curiosity about the natural world and empower them to protect it.

Content Call-Out

Do you have any high-quality footage and photos that features species from our ‘most wanted’ list?

We are currently on the hunt for more content to publish on wildscreenark.org. If you have content you’d like to share or are curious to find out more, feel free to get in touch via [email protected].


Wildscreen ARK Youth Film & Photography Competition Winners!

Teaming up with the West of England Combined Authority, we invited young people aged 13 – 18 years old from Bath, North East Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire to tell their nature stories in Summer 2024 through photographs and short films.

You can now see all our finalists entries on Wildscreen ARK.


A massive thank you to The West of England Combined Authority, London Camera Exchange and Bluestone National Park Resort for funding and support. 

Wildscreen ARK will:

  • Make engaging educational nature content available to young people for free.
  • Support educators by offering trusted resources so they can teach about natural  history and the environment with confidence.
  • Build routes into the filmmaking, media and conservation industries for young people, particularly those with different life experiences.
  • Continue the legacy of ARKive, the world’s leading audio-visual encyclopaedia of life on Earth.

Support Wildscreen ARK

Donate to Wildscreen

  • Funding will be used to develop and pilot educational resources which will be available on Wildscreen ARK.

Sign up to our newsletters

  • Sign up to our Wildscreen ARK mailing lists to hear the latest news and updates about Wildscreen ARK and our educational & outreach projects.
  • Our Wildscreen ARK Newsletter will provide general updates and information about ARK, including new content, outreach opportunities, and platform updates!
  • Our Wildscreen ARK Learning Newsletter are for those interested in formal and informal learning, where we will be sharing workshop opportunities, learning resource updates and much more! 

Our funders

A massive thank you to The Linbury Trust, The Nisbet Trust, and Garfield Weston Foundation for providing funding, and to Rocketmakers for software development and in-kind support.