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Wildscreen: Science in Storytelling Programme Announced

Annual event brings together world-renowned scientists and filmmakers for science communications summit in Bristol and …

Meet Owen – Our Awards & Events Coordinator

1. Tell us a bit about your role!

I am the Awards and Events Coordinator, meaning I help organise the wide range of amazing events we have popping up throughout the year like screenings, talks and awards.

Wildscreen Panda Awards 2025 Open for Entries

Wildscreen announces coveted industry awards will now take place annually.

Meet Amy – Our ARK Project Assistant!

1. Tell us a bit about your role!

I am the project assistant for Wildscreen ARK, supporting the development and delivery of Wildscreen’s nature content and educational platform. 

2. What’s your background? How did you get to where you are today?

Before working at Wildscreen I was a research technician in a university laboratory, specialising in micropalaeontology (i.e. tiny fossils!) and climate research. I have primarily been involved in academia having originally moved to Bristol to pursue a master’s degree in Palaeobiology, prior to which I finished my undergraduate degree in Biological Sciences where I specialised in zoology and ecology. 

Having spent many years within academia, I was looking for a change whereby my creativity was going to be nurtured alongside my love for nature and the natural environment. I then found Wildscreen and the rest was history! 

3. What motivates you?

Having the opportunity to make a positive impact in the context of the current climate and biodiversity crises is really important to me. I believe it is so important to nurture younger generations’ love and respect for nature, using that momentum to make genuine long-lasting change. 

4. If you could change one thing about the natural history industry, what would it be?

There needs to be more focus on allowing people to tell their own nature stories, providing opportunities to allow communities and individuals to voice their first-hand experiences and knowledge of the natural world. 

5. What are your career goals?

In short, I want to make a positive difference in whatever I apply myself to, and with Wildscreen, I hope to connect more young people with the natural world and inspire them to make a positive impact themselves.

6. Favourite moment working at Wildscreen?

I’ve only been here a short time, so it is difficult to choose. But I can say that some of the most enjoyable moments have been when the team are discussing cool and creative ideas which evolve into really exciting projects and collaborations.

7. What’s your favourite story from nature?

I have to say I loved ‘My Octopus Teacher’, stories that demonstrate the power and importance of human and wildlife relationships and their impacts on our lives are so important.  

8. Describe working for Wildscreen in three words!

Rewarding. Fun. Impactful

9. If you could turn into any animal for a day, what would you be and why?

Manatees seem to have very relaxed lives, eating seagrass, and exploring mangroves, rivers and coastal habitats. It would be really cool to bob along in beautiful clear waters all day.

10. What’s a fun fact about you?

I’ve been lucky enough to qualify as a PADI open water diver, allowing me to scuba dive in Tobago and Mexico where I’ve seen turtles, barracuda, stingrays and lots of amazing tropical fish and corals!