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Harnessing The Power Of Storytelling To Catalyze Conservation: My Internship Reflections

Storytelling is an incredibly powerful tool in effecting change and I was super lucky to be selected for the Wildscreen Emerging Talent Internship hosted by AFRISOS in Arusha Tanzania. – Maliha Sumar

Meet Rikki – Our Events Assistant

My background is a bit of a hodge-podge, I’ve worked in the industry and out! My journey has taken me through roles in production management, festival coordination, and teaching, each of which has honed my skills in communication, project management, and creative thinking.

Wildscreen announces first exhibitors for Wildscreen Festival 2024’s Kit Show

Wildscreen 2024 sees the return of our iconic kit show, dedicated to showcasing the companies and technology at the cutting edge of natural world storytelling.

Meet Sam – Our Film Competition & Events Assistant

1. Tell us a bit about your role! What do you do at Wildscreen?

There are two sides of my job; organising our two film competitions, and working as an events coordinator. A lot of this involves interacting with filmmakers – making sure they have everything they need from us and that we have everything we need off them.

When it comes to the events side of the role, I’ll be helping our fantastic Head of Events, Sue Martineau, pull off the logistics required for our vision of Wildscreen Festival 2024. It’s gonna be a doozy!

2. What’s your background?

I’ve been a dedicated workhorse for film festivals up and down the country for the past few years, lending a hand at Edinburgh International Film Festival, Borderlines Film Festival, Flatpack Festival, and Into Film Festival, all culminating in this fantastic new role with Wildscreen.

Alongside festival positions, I also work freelance as a writer/producer, and am currently working as one of the Creative Producers for Bristol based company, Thimble Theatre’s show, ‘Shush’.

3. What motivates you?

Impending coffee breaks.

4. If you could change one thing about the natural history industry, what would it be?

I’d like to have a member of the animal kingdom on every production team. Who wouldn’t want to see an Octopus operate a boom pole? 

5. What are your career goals?

More of the same. Working with film and theatre makers is fantastic. Hopefully it continues for a little while yet! 

6. Favourite moment working at Wildscreen?

Seeing the first 2024 submissions come flooding in when our festival competitions opened in January. 

7. What’s your favourite story from nature?

It was only a few years ago that I learned that Puffins live in Burrows. I’ve been telling pretty much everyone I’ve met about it since. 

8. Describe working for Wildscreen in three words!

Nine till five.

9. If you could turn into any animal for a day, what would you be and why?

Leopard – is there any other serious contender? 

10. What’s a fun fact about you?

When I was two, I ate rat poison and had to have a wee holiday in hospital. Sometimes I think of all I might have achieved if I hadn’t addled my brain with poison. I could have been in Mensa!